Everyday Toby and I are up to something! This is an attempt to photograph and journal our daily life that is never boring!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 3, 2011

Today Toby went back to work. So up early to get him off to work. lol I havent seen 5:30am for a long time. Today we waited for the mail in hope that my paycheck was coming. Since I am still off my checks come in the mail, and that a little unpredictable. We finished cleaning house, and the check came and we were off to use all the gift cards we got from Christmas. My Grandma Lucy gave us movie tickets (which I thought was such a great idea), Aunt Gayle gave the kids Wal-Mart gift cards, and Grandma Jerrie gave us McDonalds.
So we all packed up and went to see Yogi Bear. Cute Movie!! I really liked it. Then the toy section of Wal-Mart. I was wearing down very quickly so we made it a quick trip to Mcdonalds. Then home in time for the Bachlor and bed time. It was a fun day with the kids. They were so good through Christmas break with all the shuffling around after my surgery and helping me around the house after things settled down. I am so blessed with wonderful understanding children. Love them tons!! So the pic for the day is from our camping trip to McCormicks Creek with Aunt Gayle and Uncle Charlie over the summer. We had so much fun.

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